Thursday, June 12, 2014

St. Louis Serenaders - Wear A Little Smile 1927

Paul Biese's Orchestra Mr Gallagher and Mr Shean 1922

Tenor saxophonist Paul Biese was born in Indiana and was raised near the town of Elkhart. He made a name for himself as a band leader performing mostly in Chicago during the 1920's. 
Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean were a vaudeville duo.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Midwest Busking

   Busking in a small town is odd, busking in a small conservative college town that is more focused on sports and business than art is odder. The old business owners call the cops, the younger shop owners seem to like a little vibrancy. The suits hate you, to the fat college kids you might as well be invisible. The little kids and old ladies are the best. I miss the hippies and freight hoppers of the west coast... someone gave me a flower today. Kinda made up for all the sneers from the suits.